● welcome ● Soulmate Buzz●Soulmate Quotes ● "Our soulmate is someone who shares our deepest longings, our sense of direction. When we're two balloons, and together our direction is up, chances are we've found the right person." ~ Richard Bach ●

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your soulmate When you find somone that you are romantically attracted to, but haven't expressed your feelings towards this person yet, hold in the back of your mind all of the feelings you have for them while you are casually talking to them. Picture yourself with them already in the ki...nd of relationship that you want as you speak. The vibrations of your attraction and desire for them will be felt. The more you talk to them the more this signal of passion and desire will be transmitted. Say in your mind I Am accepting this person completely as the way they are and want them to be in my life more and more each day. I Am in a mutally beneficial harmonious relationship with them already. This is letting the universe know that you are ready for this person to be in your life. Whether face to face, texting, or over the phone hold your mental picture of you and the person being together exactly the way you want i
Mind Power Daily Wisdom:
The Secret & The Law of Attraction both hinge on faith. Instead of focusing on becoming rich, healed, happy, finding your soulmate or achieving something of great significance, first become faith. Your ability to attract and manifest things in your life will be in direct relation to the amount of faith you have in yourself. When you become faith all the other things yo u desire will come to you. You must first believe for Faith is The Secret to the Law of Attraction
     How do You Know if You've Met Your Soulmate
The search for the 'love of your life' is something that every single person on this planet has contemplated, or will, at least once in their lifetime.Those of us who are not bold enough, read about it in Harlequin romance novels, and fantasize about meeting such a person in real life.Seeking out that elusive Greek God or Goddess whose presence lurks within the deep recesses of our minds is to some, an obsession, while others consider it a passing fancy. Yet all of us, at one time or another, have given thought to the one with whom we will spend the rest of our lives, even if the decision results in a solitary existence.
True perfection...is there such a thing? Is there really a person who exists outside of our minds who can fulfill our personal standards, requirements or conditions, and be skilled enough to 'scale the mountain' in order to storm the bastions of our heart?
We are all perfectly imperfect, and other people may notice that from time to time. We may even notice in it each other.Somehow accepting that is a huge weight off my mindIf You Have Some Love Spells Then Use the Damn Things!Especially when you already have a couple of proven and potent love spells all written up and ready to go.
It's like if you had a fire extinguisher hanging on the wall, your kitchens on fire and people are telling you to wait and see if the fire will simply burn itself out! Its totally ridiculous and it makes no sense at all. I say alls fair in love & war so Cast Love Spell now!
Many people define a Companion Soulmate as "...the individual with whom we have a pre chosen spiritual goal of working on formulating an emotionally, sexually, and spiritually fulfilling, committed, and enduring union." How beautiful! And we can even have more than one per lifetime :) Conversely, sometimes we don't spiritually plan on encountering this person(s) until our later years, so what do we do in the interim?
I am offering a free guideline you can use that may well nudge a Companion Soulmate of yours along. It won't force him/her to "hurry up" and arrive if he/she is truly not prepared to be with you yet, however. In the latter case, it can help draw the closest facsimile of a Companion Soulmate to you instead; one who could even become a Companion Soulmate over time, as all soulmates have a first time on Mother Earth. Magick cannot make someone you already love turn into a Companion Soulmate, though.